VIII. Open Data
2015: "Gewußt wie: Praxisleitfaden Seriation und Korrespondenzanalyse in der Archäologie" / "How to perform a correspondence analysis - a short guide to practice for archaeologists"
Nine small data files for the exercises, to be opened with PAST 3 (files 1... to 8...) or with MS-Excel / OpenOffice Calc (file 9...). 1a_ideal-matrix-unordered; 1b-ideal-matrix-ordered; 2_ideal-matrix_with-one-unsensible-type; 3-ideal-matrix_with-unspecific-grave; 4_ideal-matrix_with-mixed-grave; 5_ideal-matrix_with-weak-connection; 6_Langweiler-2_Stehli-1973-p91-fig49; 7_Schretzheim-beads_Koch-1977-table-4; 8_Burt-table_from-ideal-matrix-1; 9_Koch-U-1977-table-4-xls-format.